

uxterm + tmux 使用心得


Linux Network Scaling: Receiving Packets

Once upon a time, everything was so simple. The network card was slow and had only one queue. When packets arrives, the network card copies packets through DMA and sends an interrupt, and the Linux kernel harvests those packets and completes interrupt processing. As the network cards became faster, the interrupt based model may cause IRQ storm due to the massive incoming packets. This will consume the most of CPU power and freeze the system. To solve this problem, NAPI (interrupt + polling) was proposed. When the kernel receives an interrupt from the network card, it starts to poll the device and harvest packets in the queue as fast as possible. NAPI works nicely with the 1 Gbps network card which is common nowadays. However, it comes to the 10 Gbps, 20 Gbps, or even 40 Gbps network cards, NAPI may not be sufficient. Those cards would demand much faster CPU if we still use one CPU and one queue to receive packets. Fortunately, multi-core CPUs are popular now, so why not process pa...

openSUSE/Raspberry Pi 3/Nextcloud 心得

前同事成立 ownCloud 的時候就很好奇是要怎麼用,不過一直到主要開發者另外成立 Nextcloud 都還沒用過,只知道是可以自己架的 file server,也有手機 APP 支援。直到最近家人有備份 iPad 檔案的需求,才想到可以拿被我閒置的 Raspberry Pi 3 來試看看。 其實在這之前就一直在想用什麼方式備份比較好。一開始是買有 USB 的 WiFi router 刷上 openWRT 以後再透過 sftp 拷貝到外接的 USB 硬碟,然後順便架了 DLNA 看照片跟影片。不過 WiFi router 用的晶片運算能力都不太強,用 DLNA 看照片時,有時會因為運算縮圖需要的記憶體太多而整個當掉,算不上是一個好方案。另外只有一顆外接硬碟也不是很保險,所以變成電腦裡面也備份,到後來也吃了不少空間。Google Driver 或 iCloud 之類的除了容量限制,還有綁定服務商的問題,所以還是希望自己家裡架一台。中間有想過買台 NAS,不過一直懶得弄。這次總算有動力來做備份用的 server。 首先是外接硬碟。一開始想用兩顆外接硬碟做 soft raid,但 Raspberry Pi 3 本身供電有限,接兩顆硬碟搞不好推不動,保險起見還是買外接盒。挑了兩三天最後買了 CyberSLIM SSDPRO RAID。優點:體積小(因為是塞兩顆 2.5” 硬碟)、鋁殼無風扇(很安靜)、有硬體 RAID1、支援 USB 3.1。缺點:軔體鳥鳥的(一開始切到 RAID1 還是會認到兩顆硬碟)、LED 燈太亮(晚上關燈在閃的話很刺眼)。因為沒有主動式散熱,所以我搭配了兩顆 HGST  1TB 5400 轉的硬碟,降低散熱需求。另外 Raspberry Pi 3 只有 USB 2.0,所以也不用太在意硬碟效能,加上大部份使用會透過 WiFi,整體效能瓶頸不會是在硬碟這邊。 硬碟設定完,把 openSUSE Leap 42.2 刷進 Raspberry Pi 3 就可以開始裝 Nextcloud 了。安裝難度比想像中低很多,照著 openSUSE wiki 上的步驟做,很容易就可以裝好了。不過呢!因為 server:php:applications 這個 repo 的 build target 沒有 AArch64,所以只能選擇 2.2 的 I...